The crime-thriller pulp fiction is the 3rd highest rated movie of all time on IMDB. This leads me to believe that the average movie-goer to see a engaging thriller with a unique feature, in Pulp Fiction's case is non-chronological plot-line So when I am creating my movie, I need to think about how I am going to set my movie so it sticks out from the rest.
The highest-grossing thriller of all time, according to Wikipedia is Inception, which was directed by Christopher Nolan and is the 35th highest grossing film of all time. This tells me that for my thriller to be successful that it has to have a good and interesting central plot to appeal to the mainstream audience.
This infograph tells what is popular in terms of horror in different times and some of the highest-grossing films of each year. This gives me an idea of what movies I should research so I have some inspiration and knowledge of what scares the populace.
A Infograph about Horror movie sales |
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