Monday 4 February 2013

Planning Session 1

  • The genre of our short movie is a psychological thriller with sci-fi themes.
  • Our themes will be exploring technology, like computers and the internet. We will also be exploring the people known as hackers and themes of insanity, conspiracy and secret organizations.
  • Our main protagonist will be someone you can empathize with but also has flaws of his own. He will have a dead-end career/education and will most likely have a interest or occupation in technology.
  • The hacker character, who will be a sort of g-man, will be a mysterious character who will be offering a job for our main protagonist which won't be clearly outlined but will become more apparent as the plot develops.
  • The costume of our main character will be casual wear to make him more appealing and relatable to our audience.
  • The costume of our hacker character needs to be unsuspecting in a crowd but also has to have a iconic look so that people recognize him within the context of the movie.
  • A load of our props will consist of technological advances like computers, laptops and smart phones. 

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